When it comes to personal injury advertising for lawyers, the first step is knowing where to find your target markets and how to access them. Contrary to what many injury attorneys think, there is a difference. For instance, you may know where your clients hang out online, but if you don’t know how to connect with them on a personal level or how to show them you can meet their needs, you’re missing out on the ability to generate good personal injury leads. Here are five steps for how to find and buy your own.
Personal Injury Advertising Step #1: Assess Your Audience
Attorneys who only specialize in one area of law may find this process easiest to execute. That’s because they only need to focus on one specific demographic and could only have one persona to keep in mind. This makes it easier to study and predict the demographic. However, firms with multiple practice areas can also benefit from this tactic.
For instance, an attorney who only handles workers’ compensation in a mining town can focus on blue-collar workers. A firm that handles personal injury suits, family law and business litigation may have a much harder time nailing down the details. Even so, it’s important to understand who your target audience is, what they are like, what their values are and where they spend time online.
Provide Answers Clients Need
One of the top ways people find attorneys they want to work with is when seeking answers to their questions. For instance, a person planning for divorce could spend time researching how to break the news to the spouse, how to tell the kids and what documents to prepare.
The website that repeatedly or best answers the questions someone poses builds trust and has a better chance of attracting that person’s business. Consequently, an important legal lead generation tip is that the quality of your content is more important than ensuring you get the keywords in as often as possible.
Place Paid Ads on Multiple Platforms
When most business owners hear of paid ad search, Google Adwords comes to mind — and it should. Google owns almost 90% of the search engine market. Still, there are several others you can try:
Partner With Feeder Sites
There are many websites that provide direct legal leads for the attorneys they partner with. These legal lead generation sites provide content that could compete with your own when it comes to answering pertinent questions and pointing people in the right direction. However, they do send clients your way.
Note that some sites are more hands-on than others. Some companies rely on personal skills or algorithms to make an ideal match, while others provide a list of available attorneys in specific regions. In some cases, the company may also provide one-on-one marketing services on your behalf.
Personal Injury Advertising To Work, You Must Make Your Website Client-Friendly
There is nothing more frustrating for a client than struggling to reach a business. Many companies only provide an email address, but what about the people who prefer to call? Remember to accommodate as many communication styles as you can to make it easy for clients to reach out.
Note also that many people complete internet searches using smartphones and other hand-held devices. If your website is not mobile-friendly, Google may penalize it by ranking competitors ahead. Be sure to make it easy for clients to find the website, use it and initiate contact through it.
The Bottom Line
There are many personal injury lead generation tools available for attorneys to guide people to their firms. However, they have to be the right ones. One final important lead generation tip is to only partner with companies that provide high-quality leads you can trust. Quantity means nothing if the leads do not convert into clients.